What was the future of this whole endeavor? It was 2010 and I hadn't even started 1999's game. Since I played less than one season per year, I would never catch up to the present time and would just get further behind. Would I be wasting 100 hours playing NBA Live 2004 when I should be playing Grand Theft Auto VII: The Return to Vice City? Nevertheless, as we hit late summer of 2010, I was once again feeling the itch.
In real life, I stopped seriously following the Knicks in late 2001. This fluctuated with events such as Larry Brown's hiring (he seemed poised to lead the team to a Championship), Donnie Walsh, the modern era, etc. but for the most part my hardcore fandom died out after the Ewing era.
It occurred to me that there was no need to continue my dynasty after Ewing was traded from the team. For 2000, Ewing would be the only Knick still there from my original Live 95 team, and he would be off to Seattle in NBA Live 2001. If I played full seasons with the Knicks through Live 2000, I had a nice narrative bookend. Once no remnants of the Live 95 team were left, I could walk away.
Using this guideline, I only had two seasons left to play. That was palatable, and I was ready to get started on what would be the "final" two chapters.